This is the document applied for, at the Probate Registry, by the Authorised Representative of the deceased’s Estate. It is a document which is required in order to legally transfer to the intended beneficiaries, any of the assets listed below which were in the deceased’s name at the time of his/her death.
The Grant is called Probate where the deceased died with a Will, and Letters of Administration where the deceased died without a Will.
Now it’s quite common for assets to be easily distributed after death–whether there is a Will or not–and without having to involve professionals to file a Grant in the Probate Registry. This is the case where the deceased put his/her affairs in order before death, and all that is left to be shared up after death is personal belongings.
This is not however the case when:
In order to challenge this, a Grant of Probate of the Will which left this inheritance to the minor will be required.
This is also not the case when deceased’s assets include:
In these instances, a Grant of Representation will be required at the respective institutions or registries, in order to transfer ownership of Vehicles, Financial Accounts, Land/Property and to receive the payout on insurance policies where ‘estate’ was named as the beneficiary.
Registered Address / 35 Bombay Street, St. James, Port of Spain
T /+1(868) 267 3737
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